Monday, March 5, 2012

Morning Nightmare

All summer long I wake up at 4:00 a.m. to get ready for my day on the water. I'll eat breakfast, pack a lunch, and then drive to the cabins. Next, I grab my fishing gear from the storage shed and walk a 100 feet down the dock to where my boat is moored. As I'm walking I always worry that one day when I arrive my boat will look like the one pictured above. I wonder what this guy thought when he walked down his dock and found his boat swamped. I bet they weren't happy thoughts.

I'd like to say this is an isolated incident but I see this happen every summer and it scares me. I wonder when it's my turn to have a swamped boat. I always try to control what I can to prevent this but some times things just happen. You never know when a gasket seal will fail, or combination of excessive rain with a large tide will happen.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that 2012 will be a dry one.


Anonymous said...

What do you think happened to that boat?


Anonymous said...


I think the boat swamped because of the dock. It's not a true floating dock and the large tide that morning was higher than the dock, ergo, water came up over the back end. The guy just needed have more slack in his tie down lines so the boat could float with the rising tide.


Mack said...

The rest of the story is that this particular boat is underwater most years. I don't think it's the boat.

We saw it go completely under several years ago tied up out in the main river. I believe last year's problem is related to tying the boat too close to the bank on a high tide. On the next incoming tide, there's not enough boat in the water to float it before water comes in over the transom.

Dave Anderson said...

I did that once, left the plug out!