Sunday, January 15, 2017

Bad Luck?

Renewing the annual debate on whether or not bananas are bad luck in the boat, I would have to answer with a resounding "NO". If you're new to the banana in the boat issue, click on this link , and this link and you can read all about it.

photo compliments of Francis Estalilla

I've always felt that saying bananas are bad luck in a boat was just an excuse to blame poor fishing conditions on something else. I also find that certain people will use a banana on board as a reason to mask their own inability to be on fish. It's way easier to say it was a banana rather than admitting fault.

All I can say, if you're in the boat with me this summer and you bring a banana, make sure to bring me one too. I could always use the extra potassium (and I've got plenty of other excuses why we aren't catching fish).

Beaver Creek Cabins & Guide Service

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